
Inside And Out

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Moderation and choosing what is good for us is sometimes a tough thing to carry out, when it comes to our weaknesses. Whether it be food, alcohol, drugs, gossip, criticizing others, judging, jealousy...WE ALL HAVE WEAKNESSES! Since my blog is talking about spiritual and physical food, I would like to focus on FOOD INTAKE.

It seems with myself, it all begins with a thought. If I choose to let the thought LINGER, (which, by the way, WE DO HAVE FULL CONTROL OF OUR THOUGHTS!) then it leads to a craving. We then fall into the trap of accepting the craving. It grows and grows and seems better and better. We then have ourselves convinced that it will SATISFY. We find ourselves right in the middle of a full blown feeling of GUILT that eats at us, which then STEALS OUR JOY and PEACE. The guilt takes hold, leading to depression and beating ourselves up! I guess we have to ask ourselves...is all of this worth the agonizing pain and suffering we put ourselves through. This doesn't even go into all the physical issues that we put ourselves up against. It's all because we cannot say the simple word, NO!
I guess the best way to work on solving the problem and fighting the enemy, who truly IS OUT TO STEAL OUR JOY AND PEACE, is to RECOGNIZE AND CONTROL the first few seconds of the thought. DO NOT WELCOME IT! DO NOT ENTERTAIN IT! Toss the seed out before it begins to take root. We can be made NEW in the attitude of our mind. Ephes. 4:23 We can take captive EVERY thought to make it obedient to Christ. Self-control is in us as a child of God. Self-control is a fruit that HE supplies us with and needs to be put into practice. Gal 5:22 & 23 God does not leave us helpless. He wants us to have the knowledge and wisdom of how to deal with the conflicts of life. He wants us to be fully equipped.

Let this be a new day for us! Be on the alert to what thoughts enter your mind. Is it something that is good and will benefit you or will it take you to a place that will steal the good things from you? TODAY, LET OUR GOD BE OUR STRENGTH AND SECURITY! CLING TO HIM AND WHAT IS GOOD AND TRUE!

All of this said...Be very selective in choosing good and healthy foods. Eat fist-sized portions. Its a good idea to eat 6 small healthy meals a day. Know the foods that you take in to your body will be beneficial. Your body is God's temple. You belong to HIm and HE wants the very best for you so that you can live an abundant life here on earth.

I ask, LORD, that you would bless each of us with wisdom and knowledge on how to take care of our bodies, which you have so graciously blessed us with. Help us to control the thoughts that enter our mind and choose what is good, right, and pleasing to you. I ask these things in Christ name. Amen and Amen

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