Water helps keep our muscles and skin toned, assist in weight loss, transports oxygen and nutrients to cells, eliminates toxins and waste from the body, and regulates body temperature. Drinking clean water plays a major role in reducing the risk of certain diseases. Did you know that dehydration is the main cause of kidney stones?
Water cushions our joints and protects tissues and organs. The lack of water or dehydration can be the cause of many of our sicknesses.
Trying to shed some pounds? Water is a major part in weight loss. There are no calories and it can serve as an appetite suppressant. It actually helps the body metabolize stored fat.
Drinking more water helps to reduce water retention by stimulating the kidneys. Studies show that if you are over weight, you should add 1 glass of water to your daily requirement (8-10 glasses) for every 25 lbs. over your recommended weight.
Water keeps everything flowing in and through our body. Its a natural lubricant that helps everything to slide through our system. It helps to fight bad breath. The bacteria that comes from the stomach to mouth can become stagnant, but water breaks it up and moves it along.
As we age, our mechanism for telling us we are thirsty doesn't work as well. We need to remind ourselves to drink throughout the day, whether thirsty or not. 64 oz of water is suggested a day or until your urine is fairly clear. Making a habit to carry bottled water in your car would be very beneficial.
It amazes me how FUNDAMENTAL a simple thing such as water is to our body! DRINK DRINK DRINK!!!!!!
OK I am agreeing to drink 1/2 gallon of water today. Ask me later if I did it.
ReplyDeleteare you drinking your water, sue????